Can Grizzly Bears Climb Trees?

About The Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears are common across northern US states, Alaska and Canada. In the continental US, they are protected by law in 48 states. In Alaska and Canada, there are two hunting seasons in which hunting grizzly bears is legal, however, all hunters must have a license. Can grizzlies be seen on trees? In other words, can grizzly bears climb trees? Let’s explore in this article.

COMMON NAME: Grizzly bear

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ursus arctos horribilis


DIET: Omnivore

STATUS (US): Threatened


Grizzly bears once roamed across the Great Plains from Texas northward through Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, North & South Dakota and Montana. In addition to Alaska, there are only grizzly bear populations today in Wyoming, Washington, Montana and Idaho, totalling around 1500-2000 individuals.

By contrast, Canada’s grizzly bear population is fairing much better. The most recent survey estimated the population in Canada to be approximately 22,000 individuals, while Alaska has an estimated population of 30,000.

Grizzly Bear Appearance

The majestic grizzly bear is one of the largest bear populations in the world. On all fours they reach a height of up to 5ft at the shoulder, but standing on their hindlegs they can reach as tall as 8ft.

Grizzlies have a thick coat of fur ranging from tan to black. They have a grizzle pattern to their coat, hence the name. Their dense fur helps trap warm air during the winter months and prevents hypothermia when the bears hibernate.

Their small, rounded ears, dark eyes and fur coat give them the appearance of a real-life teddy bear. These features actually help them to thrive in a variety of environments, such as arctic regions with thick snow, dense woodland and open grassland. We now know that they also live in thick woodland but, can grizzly bears climb trees? Read on.

They have strong muscular limbs and flat feet ending in long sharp claws. These physical adaptations help grizzly bears to run up to 35mph, navigate uneven terrain and catch fish from fast-flowing rivers.

Can Grizzly Bears Climb Trees

Those strong claws make for the ideal climbing equipment; however, their large size would be expected to hinder their climbing ability.

While grizzly bears prefer to remain on solid ground, they are capable of climbing trees. Not only can they climb trees, they can do so at remarkable speeds, similar to a cat climbing a tree.

Grizzly bears can climb any trees with a wide trunk. They use their large paw pads for grip and their long claws provide additional purchase against the trunk and branches. Grizzlies can easily climb up and down even the tallest trees and will do so to avoid potential danger.

Grizzly bear cubs will climb trees not long after hibernation. They are born in the den their mother had built so they have a lot to learn about the world. Cubs tend to choose short trees to climb with thick trunks and lots of sturdy branches. As they explore, they learn which branches can hold their weight and which ones to avoid.

Also Read: How Fast Can a Grizzly Bear Run?